Would USA support for Argentina's geographical claim to the Falklands jeopardise the status of Taiwan?

Argentina's claim to the Falklands falls down on every legal and historic criterium bar one - proximity. There are noises issuing from Obama that the islander's rights to self-determination are not uppermost in his mind and that he might support the Argentines this time.
If he does that, on what grounds could he argue against a renewed claim by China for Taiwan/Formosa only 1/3rd the distance away from the mainland and definitely lawfully and historically Chinese? No doubt such a claim would yet again be met with a refusal to consider it from the Taiwanese but on what basis could BHO deny self determination to islanders 250+ miles away from the claimants but defend it for those only 100 miles away?


Any change in the USA's attitude to these Islands is perhaps based on their oil potential. The faceless advisors (to all presidents!) will be saying that it would be easier to steal it from Argentina than from the Islands defended by the UK. - Realpolitik!!

paul s2012-02-12T03:43:41Z

Favorite Answer

based on his reasoning we can soon expect
he will be demanding Israel is handed over to the Palestinians
Texas, California, Utah and Nevada are handed over to Mexico
Because clearly in Obama world the wishes of the people have little or no relevance


if the guy is relatively calling for a re negotiation of sovereignty of the Falkland islands, united states of america must be arranged for the autumn out of dropping the help of a persistent alliance with Britain. I for you will quicker see a ruin in that relationship than furnish 3000 human beings as much as a much off places alien state. human beings don't be fooled we might quicker combat then provide in to tyranny do no longer care how massive you're..

The Doctor2012-02-12T03:21:33Z

war is a blody mess and Argentina should fight for the islands again..dr


argentinas a country? i just thought it was a soccer team...