5 days late, ideas of when to take the test and tell my husband?

My LMP was January 11th or 12th. I was thinking I'd take a test tomorrow morning and if it's positive, give it to my husband in his Valentines day card. OR should I give him an unopened test in his card and we can take the test together? I haven't told him I'm late yet. This would be our 2nd baby. Any other ideas for suprising him on Valentines day?

islandgirl God and family2012-02-13T09:03:55Z

Favorite Answer

I hope it is positive. I would take the test, and if it's positive give it to him as a gift. Keeping my fingers crossed for you.


I love the idea of the unopened test with his Valentine's Day card. Very cute and very sweet.
Good luck and Congrats if you are!


I'd say the second idea would be a good one! Good luck to you both, and happy valentines day!