The thing that annoys me about SOME Ron Paul supporters..
I think he is a good man and has some good ideas but his foreign policy is terrible.
Why do they keep supporting a person that will not win? The goal is to regain the country. Why not support a candidate that will win? I just think Republicans should worry about just getting a Republican or Conservative in the White House, then start being picky. Ive heard some say they wont vote for anybody other than Paul when a candidate goes against Obama. That in my mind is basically supporting Obama's presidency. We need to worry about getting a Conservative or Republican in the white house not just getting Ron Paul there. Besides, he cant debate like Obama. Obama has a natural gift for debating, Ron Paul just isn't as smooth and persuasive. Do you agree with Me? If not please state your reasons. I am open to anyones opinion. I love good debates.
My Source- my 14 year old mind. God bless
No we dont love war but I guess I can understand you. Americans love it when we can defend our selves. that means we need an immensely strong army. Most people think a big army means we love war. We love being protected. We can also use an army for many other things besides fighting. such as rescues, building, aid to other countrys, all sorts of stuff. We dont love war but we love being protected.
Thank you Mr. Smarty pants! Good point. It just seems foolish to stay in the race any longer. Support another candidate and send your votes to another candidate who may win against Barack Obama. Dont risk the chance of Obama getting elected for another four years just so you can promote your Libertarian views.
I think I like you Derek. You raise good points and force a person to think. I have read the Constitution and Declaration many times over, as well as Common Sense. I have not had the opportunity to read The Art of War. Or Dr. Paul's book, im sure it has something worth while in its pages.
I have seen Paul debate many times. I think he can mostly back up what he says, as can other candidates.
Youre right. Nobody is ahead of Obama in the polls including Paul. Paul stands no chance of even getting the GOP nomination, he's a Libertarian.
Rick Santorum may want to go to war with Iran. I support it. ELIMINATE THE THREAT. You really want to gamble with millions of lives? thats what Ron Paul would do if he was President. They have been killing and torturing innocent people for years and years. If you had somebody in your family killed you would want to do the murderer harm. Operatives from Iran have killed thousands of cousins, brothers, uncles, and daddy's and Ron Paul wants t
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Good questions you've raised there!
I support Ron Paul because he represents an idea. I also believe that unshakable principle, honesty, consistency and many reasonable ideological stances that are extremely reasonable are also positive things.
Now, I know you're 14 and all, but you do hold the positions as the rest of the party, in that, you want to "regain the country". I know, it sounds noble and all, but how exactly would you be regaining it?
Mitt Romney (according to national polls, the only candidate who has a better chance than Paul of actually beating Obama) is hardly different in any way from our current president. I know it's hard to see for some, but you have to get passed the labels of it all. They are both big government, war mongering, corporatist politicians, with no substance. He's probably the only candidate who actually couldn't debate Obama. Sure, he has tenacity and things of that nature, but absolutely no substance! You need to look past electability and into if they can walk the walk and talk the talk. Romney can't:
Santorum, as it has been shown, consistently in the polls; wouldn't have a leg to stand on in a national election against Obama. His social and foreign policy are simply insane, I believe. He doesn't talk about monetary policy and doesn't seem to want to look at the root of our problems. I think he wants to go to war with Iran. And I believe he, and the people that think like him will permanently destroy American conservatism and liberty.
Gingrich, like the two above, is a big government guy. He thinks the patriot act and the police state are just great, positive things for this country. I cannot, in any way support this dude. He is philosophically and morally bankrupt, I believe. He tries to live from the legacy of Reagan, who didn't even seem to like Gingrich. And once again, as the polls have shown, he has no chance against Obama.
I wonder if you've ever seen Paul actually debate someone. The guy can actually back up what he says, which means a lot more to some of us than regurgitated, empty talking points. And I won't vote for anyone except Paul, because it would be betraying my ideological stances. If Gary Johnson or Thaddeus McCotter were doing better in the polls, I would vote for them. But they dropped out, and Paul has been one of the biggest political inspirations for the right and for libertarians in this country in a long time. None of these other men, including Obama have any substance! They are using us man!
f Obama wins, so be it. It's much better than prostituting your beliefs away so you can vote for the lesser of two evils. 4 more years of increasing taxes, war, corporatism, despotism and an emerging police state is what we will get with Obama. Tell me how it would be any different with Romney, Gingrich or Santorum?
I suggest you check out some books: Prince by Machiavelli The Art of War by Sun Tzu Common Sense by Thomas Paine The Declaration of independence and the United States Constitution Revolution: A Manifesto by Ron Paul.
But Ron Paul isn't running to win, he's running to get his ideas out there, hoping to change the GOP from within. His ideas are libertarian, not Republican, but he's running as a Republican. The Republican Party has a very strict agenda, and they require every candidate to follow this agenda. Paul doesn't, so there's no way he's going to get the nomination.
Paul has a very loyal fan base, mostly younger people (not as young as you!) who are very idealistic. Like with Ronald Reagan, Paul's ideas have the great advantage of having never been actually tried, so it's easier for his fans to believe they might work.
I admire Ron Paul's honesty and consistency. He doesn't slavishly follow polls like Mitt Romney, but that means that sometimes he's at odds with the majority of Republicans.
But I also think some of his ideas are downright kooky. For instance, he wants to abolish the Federal Reserve and go back to the gold standard. But the reason we went off the gold standard in the first place was that there just wasn't enough gold in the whole world to back our growing money supply. That's why the Fed. was implemented in the first place. Going back on the gold standard would decrease our money supply by maybe 75% That would be an enormous catastrophe. Paul never seems to address this. Nobody ever asks him about it! And I wonder can it really be that NONE of his fans has ever thought of this?
I agree! Paul has some things that I agree with but he is scary on too many others. His supporters seem to be very loyal, to the point that they claim they will sacrifice our nation by helping to elect obama again. There comes a point where a mature, intelligent voter needs to get a grip on reality and look toward the good of the nation, instead of a small group of idiologs.
Paul should immediately endorse a republican candidate when he finally throws in the towel...this might help his faithful followers to not feel too guilty about voting for a different republican candidate.
Daisy sums up my feelings: I have voted Republican for 32 years. My fiscal conservative ideals have served me well and made me a successful business man. My moderate social views and acceptance of others choices without supporting them financially have helped me to serve 8 years on the school board and still be respected even though I disagree with some people. They know that I have good reasons to think what I do and am fair in considering the views of others. Ron Paul is an incredibly good choice because he would bring us together instead of driving us apart. Just because we disagree with the views of some people does not mean we forget about the good of the United States.
Ron Paul is a God send for Obama. Ron Paul is a cute little old man with some good ideas but he can not possibly win the election. A vote for Ron Paul is a wasted vote. We will need everyone to unite under one banner and vote for the person who can beat Obama. Voting for Ron Paul divides the conservative vote making it so much harder to vote Obama out of office. Every vote for Ron Paul is one less vote against Obama. The Ron Paul people should just vote for Obama since they are wasting a Conservative vote. Obama is a gifted motivational speaker but, he is a horrible President.