Look at these election results and please estimate for me ...?

In November 2008, in the state of California:
Obama received 8,274,473 votes, while
McCain received 5,011,781 votes
(and there were 275,646 votes for minor candidates).

But at the same time, voters voted on Prop. 8, which banned gay marriage:
Yes votes: 7,001,084
No votes: 6,401,482.

So approximately how many people voted for Obama but also voted to ban gay marriage?


Here's the presidential election, from the state's own website:


And here's the results of all of the ballot propositions:


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Around 1.3 million if we're rounding up. Here's the thing...a lot of black people who don't normally vote came out to vote for Obama because he was black. These black voters were also predominately Christian who don't believe in gay marriage, so while they were there they voted to ban gay marriage.

Same thing with the hispanic voters. Obama was favorable to many of their issues, so they voted in much larger numbers than usual. They also tend to be Catholic. See how this worked?

This is all based on the estimations from exit polls btw. :) We're guessing.


Assuming all people voted for both president and prop 8, the yes votes could be anywhere from 2 million people who voted for Obama to 7 million people who voted for Obama. If we consider that McCain voters are twice as likely to vote for prop 8 as Obama supporters, then we would have probably closer to a 50/50 split among McCain and Obama voters with about 3.5 million voters coming from each presidential candidate's support. This is pure speculation though and all we know for sure is that the number is somewhere between 2 and 7 million just because there were 7 million yes votes and only 5 million mccain votes so there's at least 2 million obama votes that said yes, but there could be as many as 7 million because there were over 7 million obama votes and over 7 million yes votes.


There's really no way to tell. California has about 17 million registered voters. Only 13.5 million turned out to voe for president. Only 13.4 million turned out to vote for Prop8.

That means nearly 3.5 million voters did not vote in one or both voting periods.

Plus, some of those who DID vote may have voted in the presidential election but not in the Prop8 vote. Others may have voted in the Prop8 vote, but not in the presidential election.

And some of the people who voted for Obama may still have voted in favor of Prop8 (just as some of those who voted in favor of McCain may have voted against Prop8).

You don't give enough information to make a reliable estimate.

who WAS #1?2012-02-13T22:35:12Z

It's hard to tell since California prohibits asking for Identification when voting. Therefore there's a lot of fraud.


Obama is the ONE

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