How does this make sense?

So, theists don't know the answer to something and automatically assume "GAWDDIDIT" but atheists try to figure things out and they're called "stuck"?

Isn't it the theists that are stuck?

Simon T2012-02-14T14:24:41Z

Favorite Answer

It makes sense to theists who are happy just to have an answer, even if it is a meaningless and pointless answer that just begs the next question.

How did God Do It?
Why did God Do It?


A yes. Many theists find themselves vilifying atheists over searching for logical answers. Unless something is backed by evidence, it is only a petty theory. Nothing wrong with theories however, as I've seen theists whom have that mentality of questioning everything.


Pssst, One way you can tell that ATHEISTS are STUCK, is by looking at HOW MANY TIMES they post the SAME ANSWER.


Theists are ignorant.


yes, atheists usually look for the answer they might or might not find it.

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