is it rly true that the military only consist of one percent?


Favorite Answer

Less than 1%

2.4 million ( quickly dropping) active duty and reserve troops In the military 1% of the population would be a little over 3 million

Armed with Inkstick2012-02-15T00:15:30Z

Depends on how you define "one percent".

If you mean that only one percent of the population is in the military, yes. As mentioned, yes. Less than one percent, actually.

If you mean "the top one percent of the wealth-earners", which is the more commonly understood meaning of the phrase "one percent", then no, actually. The very rich (like the very poor) don't serve in the military.


There's about 3,000,000 in the service and the country's population is 313,000,000. So that is about 1%.



One percent of......?