How do i improve my 200 meter time? ?

I'm a sophomore in hs and my problem is slowing down too much at the end


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get a good coach to give you winter training like running up hills and doing longer distances its hard but it pays off because if you train your body to run longer distancesit becomes much easier when it comes to shorter distances like 200m


I did that all the time freshman year! As the season went on and i gained more endurane i was able to run the entire time w/ out slowing. Drills and form work help so ull move ur arms and form keeps u moving fast at the ends of races esp, also strength training helps esp arms with the punping of ur arms also at the end, and also just mentally focusing on not slowing down helped a lot


Ask coach to make you do some 400s at practice... the best way to train for a shorter event is to in practice.... run a longer distance.... then the race you will be running.... that way when it comes time to run the 2..... you will be able to power right through it.

So run 400s at practice... speak with your coach


Run very fast 400m. if you can train your body to run 400m"s you wont feel as bad during the 200.