For the person who put the u tube v. on showing the daple grey horse that was doing speed manuvers.?

I want my g. daughter to see it. I was so impressed and I can't 't find it now. Would you please put it in on the horses column?? Thank you so much, It was so impressive to see a dressage type horse trained to so such speed and athletism.

Li'l Lily2012-02-21T23:37:41Z

Favorite Answer

Wow, I was impressed seeing this! I'm a dog person and I instantly thought hay they are doing "timed HORSE agility trials" - just like the dogs do! I kept waiting to see them go through the chutes, but I guess they don't do that part with horses!. ha ha

Seems to me, all the other answers are real snobs! I guess they are all just too busy trying to balance themselves on their unbalanced dressage horses, or too busy trying to lecture the blaze on how to use internet search engines, or being totally blaza and ho-hum, or whatever. Oh well, none of them could stay on any of those horses for 10 seconds going like that. What a marvelous athlete both the riders and horses are!

Hope your grand-daughter enjoys it! I sure did!


This is common with Spanish riders. They do many such routines that are typical with their culture and horses. There are several videos on I think.

gale hawk2012-02-21T18:11:22Z

This is it

To me it is not impressive because I know that dressage comes from centuries of training cavalry horses. From Xenophon 431 BC

to Colonel Alois Podhajsky, director of the Spanish Riding School.

I just wish classical dressage was more popular instead of "instant pudding dressage"

Yes I did Donald (snicker)

OH and the original link was posted by Ellen (that is from memory)


You too could have spent 20 minutes going through your browsing history and come up with this but I DID IT. You owe me big time.

DAMN, SHE BEAT ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

@Katie - As anyone who has followed me will attest to, I do not copy and paste anything without attribution. Ask Gale Hawk what she thinks.


@ Donald--- Hmmm... Maybe you just copied and pasted that link from the person who commented before you with the correct link???? I have seen you answer stuff numerous times--- never helpful, always condescending and rude. GET A LIFE!!

And now:

The second link is the correct one---the first person who sent you a link sent a link of some guy dancing. The second link is the correct one--- wow!! that is amazing!!

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