What's the medical name for type one diabetes?

and/or alternate name?

Ben Trolled2012-02-22T03:25:24Z

Favorite Answer

Type 1 Diabetes. This is sometimes referred to as Juvenile diabetes or insulin-dependant diabetes mellitus (shortened to IDDM).

Type 2 Diabetes.
This has been called by many different names down the time. You may have heard it referred to as adult diabetes, maturity onset diabetes, old age diabetes, or non-insulin-dependant diabetes (shortened to NIDDM).

Sometimes referred to as type 1.5, Slow onset type 1, LADA - latent autoimmune diabetes in adults or Slowly Progressive Diabetes (SPIDDM).

This is also known as borderline diabetes, potential diabetes, sugar disregulation or chemical diabetes.

Gestational diabetes.
(Also called glucose intolerance of pregnancy) This is a complication of pregnancy and usually appears in the later half (5-6th month), when the baby is fully formed but still growing.

These initials stand for Mature Onset Diabetes of the Young.
It affects one to two per cent of people with diabetes and is often unrecognised.
Steroid diabetes.
This is listed here as a different type although it is sometimes classed with type 1 and at other times with type 2.

MIDD or Maternally Inherited Diabetes And Deafness.
This is a very rare form of Type 2 diabetes, accounting for only 1% of diabetics.

Neonatal Diabere are two types, Permanent Neonatal Diabetes mellitus (PNDM) antes Mellitus.
Thed Transient Neonatal Diabetes Mellitus (TNDM).

Take care

Ben Trolled






Type 1 diabetes mellitus.

Diabetes mellitus is a group of conditions that includes both T1 and T2. So you wouldn't want to use that phrase alone.

It's also sometimes called Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus, or IDDM. But that name can be confusing since so many T2 diabetics take insulin.

John W2012-02-21T11:46:05Z

Type One Diabetes Mellitus.

It used to be called Juvenile Diabetes Mellitus till they realized that not all were juvenile. Then they called it Insulin Dependent Diabetes till they realized not all were insulin dependent and some that were insulin dependent were type 2. They could call it Autoimmune Diabetes Mellitus but a recent study proposed that some cases could be a neurologic control disorder so they're pretty much going with just Type One Diabetes Mellitus.

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