AMD Athlon 1.2 GHz Processor Only registering 900 MHz on Bios...WHY?

I upgraded an old desktop(compaq 5002US) from a 800Mhz AMD to a 1.2GHz(A1200AMS3C) processor. However, it only shows 900mhz in the bios system info and on windows xp system info. why is this happening and can it be fixed.


Favorite Answer

My first stop would be wikipedia or google for a quick reference. I actually had a similar question not even 5 days ago, but I couldn't find the answer. If it's possible, try getting help from someone with more knowledge/experience/expertise, like a professional if it's possible. This can be pretty important.

I saw a forum with this online, but I didn't have time to read it all. Try checking it out. I want to help out more, but I'm not 100% sure about the answer. Sorry I'm not much help. I hope you found your answer! Good luck!