Can republicans get a reforendum on gay marriage on a ballot in the general election?

I read that if the local republicans get enough signatures on a petition they can get a reforendum on gay marriage, on the same ballot that will be used to vote for president.
So if you are mad about gay marriage, you can go to the polls to vote against gay marriage, and while you are there to do that, you can vote for the candidates.
I have heard that George Bush was able to get RE-elected in 2004, because there was a large turnout of social conservatives at the polls.
They were there to vote against gay marriage.
While these people knew nothing about the candidates they were voting for ( except that they knew there was no reason why W deserved to keep his job) they voted for all the republicans to send a message to the democrats who were allies of the liberals and gays who were trying to get gay marriage legal.
So John Kerry, lost an election against a guy who the majority of voters rejected in 2000. and, he would have won if he was not the democrat in an election the republicans were stealing.


Ok, so they vote on the reforendum in the state area, then they go and vote against the democrat in the national section.


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Actually no, the United States Constitution restricts direct democracy at a federal level. The presidential vote is only symbolic, the electoral college has the final word in the matter. States can only allow direct democracy and many debate that is unconstitutional. Although everyone agrees you cannot do that at a federal level. That would be majority tyranny.


The laws concerning referenda vary from state to state. In some states the issue can become law, while is others they are only advisory and the legislature still has the final decision. California voters passed proposition 22 in 2000. They were probably the only state to have a gay marriage referendum then.

Kerry was for civil unions, not gay marriage. (see source)

Neither the pro or anti gay marriage issue had much bearing on those elections. More recently in 2008 all major candidates were anti gay marriage.

Kerry vs. Bush was decided on other issues like war and the economy.


Presidential elections are on the same ballot as state and local elections. I bet if you looked you would find the referendum referred to, was some state issue. Most all social issues involve state voting, not national.


Sure, on the states where such popular referendums are allowed, and where the time allows for it.

California probably not, but there are some others.


So you start out with a question then turn loose with a Bush bash, how original.

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