How do I submit an answer on Yahoo! Answers?

I can not find any submit button and need to know how


Favorite Answer

Click on the Answer Question button,type you answer then click on Submit at the bottom of the page.


The blue Answer Question button, below the full text of an open question, only turns up when you click on the title of an open question.

You can only answer open questions but not resolved questions with a best answer and undecided questions in voting.


Answering Questions
Click on the question you want to answer.
Read what is asked and write an intelligent answer and in good English, Grammar and use the Spell Check
Keep your answer concise and focused on what is actually asked.
If you are drawing on information to improve your answer, of to add a lot of other pertinent information, copy and paste the URL of the page you draw that information from.
You can’t just post the URL of the page as that can be mistaken as ‘Spam’ or ‘Not an Answer’, both of which are violations.


Dude. U just submitted a question


Type in your answer. Scroll down. there should be two options: preview and submit. Click submit.

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