Which president freed the most people?

Reagan : Iran
Lincoln : The slaves

or # 45.


Estimates : 52 hostages in Iran were freed courtesy of RR getting elected, secondary to appropriate fear of the US, yet another burden Obama has removed from our national image.

Estimates : 4 million slaves eventually freed via the actions of Lincoln, though implementation took time.

Estimates : 313 million Americans will be freed in 2012 or 2016, whichever year Obama departs.

Love the GW comment, though. He would admit to having a ton of help, though. Character mattered then, yet another thing Obama cannot bring to the table.


Favorite Answer

George Washington for helping create America


Obama: He has relieved Americans of the burden of going to work in the morning.


Reagan did not free Iran, Democrats wouldn't let him.

1,000,000 people died for Lincoln's liberal dream.