Can you tell me why a Georgetown student is whining ....?

that it costs her over $3000.00 a year for contraception and she thinks the taxpayer should pay for it.. is she kidding.... has she ever heard of abstaining unless you can pay for it yourself.. what is she , a hooker. Don't ask me to pay for your sexual habits.. God, how dumb are these women...


Elwood.. i just watched it on tv,, that is why I commented..

Debra H2012-02-29T16:30:28Z

Favorite Answer

Tom, i am not heartless, I did listen, but the point is... it is her own responsibility...we each need to take our own lead on how we pay for things like this.. the government is broke trying to do give aways

Elwood Blues2012-02-28T19:10:02Z

I seriously doubt there is any such student, because the cost of "the pill" is actually $15 to $50 a month, or $160 to $600 a year. Cervical caps plus spermicide are even cheaper: $35 to $60 per year. See


Had you actually Listened to the Woman and Not Rush Or Hannity you would know that she need them for Medical Reasons and is in fact a Lesbian waiting ...No response? Or would you deny her access to medicine she needs to remain healthy and NOt be a burden on you good christians?...............And BTW ; I will say that I do believe you practice what you preach in that im sure you obstain unless you can pay for it youeself!


What Tom said. I "love" how conservatives conveniently forget that a huge number of women are on BC for medical reasons.