Why did a group of black people kill Malcolm X?



Favorite Answer

I don't think they were acting alone.

In all likelihood, they were probably hired by someone else.

"Malcolm X traveled throughout Europe, the Middle East, the UAR, and Africa where he readily exposed the oppression of African-Americans to the world through the United African Nationalist movement. This was the last thing the U.S. government wanted since it would make the nation’s racial problems an international human rights issue. "


A rift had developed between he and Elijah Mohammad but Hoover had him under close surveillance so it was easy to get black dupes to assassinate thus covering for government involvement...remember even Marcus Garvey collaborated with the Klan to assist his back to Africa movement...so politics and racism make strange bedfellows.


I always spend my half an hour to read this blog's posts daily along with a mug of coffee.


Because black people are their own ENEMY.

Malcolm X told black people to defend themselves,
MLK told black people to let white people treat
them like dogs and be nice to white people no matter what!


it was other muslims he had upset, I believe. though the black muslim 'movement' in the u.s. aren't considered real muslims because they don't follow the koran like real muslims do.

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