Worst Album From Your Favorite Band?

BQ: Best album from a band you dislike?


Favorite Answer

Worst album from my favorite band: Undertow. Just too weird and dark for my taste. The fact that it's Tool's worst album, yet still a must-own CD, indicates the quality of Tool's work overall.

Best album from a band I dislike: Weathered, by Creed.

suicidal ice cream truck driver, GCS2012-03-01T21:57:20Z

Zeitgeist- Smashing Pumpkins.

By no means a bad album, it just doesn't measure up with the past and lacks the soul of albums in alot of the songs.

BA: Hmm... this is difficult for me, as the bands I do quite dislike, I never really like any of their output, I don't really care for The Killers, but Hot Fuss is a good album.


Worst album from my favorite band is the spaghetti incident.

Best album from a band I hate The joshua tree


The Red Hot Chili Peppers (1984)- Red Hot Chili Peppers

Godawful production.

BQ: Reanimation- Linkin Park


2112 by Rush is worst album from favorite band. California Gurls by Katy Perry is best album by least favorite band.

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