life expectation of cancer patient year ago lump in lip, lip removed now 5 teeth removed and invasion of nerve?

57 year old female with mouth cancer had 5 teeth removed now perineural invasion nerve base of skull. How long is life expectation?


Favorite Answer

Since her cancer has spread, the prognosis is not good. Here's more information:


Stop eating ALL meats, dairy, sugar,refined carbs, contrary to popular belief greens have enough protein for your diet. Eat ONLY plant foods. until cancer leaves.

-greens (spinach,chard,arugela, lettuce all greens)
- raspberries, blueberries, strawberries
- nuts, walnuts, cashews, almonds
- spices, turmeric, ginger, (stay away from spices with additives i.e. maltodextrin etc.
-lemons, LOTS OF green apples (not red)
- sometimes FISH but always a smaller portion of fish than plant foods with each meal.

-use extra virgin cold pressed olive oil for dressing on salads also apple cider vinegar.

Watch the movie called FORKS OVER KNIVES. its all about cancer.


To be honest VERY short. No real time line can, nor never should be given because it will never be correct. I suggest to spend time with this person and enjoy every moment :)