Does the label on a Wine bottle influence your purchase?

I've noticed that I have a tendency to buy wine that has the best looking label. :D

Am I the only one that does this? Some labels have really good designs on them.


Hmmm, that's interesting Robert. I just bought a bottle of wine that has a lighting bolt on it because it looked cool. hahahah... but what would that mean? Any idea? It looks like a thunderstorm and a bolt of lighting coming out of the clouds.

Robert O2012-03-02T19:35:15Z

Favorite Answer

The label always affects what I purchase. But not based on how it looks. You should find a book that will teach you the finer points of reading a wine label. Trust me, it is far more interesting than an artsy-fartsy facade. With your method, you could buy a wine with a "Van Gogh" label, but wind up with a "stick-man" wine. Marketing moguls depend on people like you. (not hating or judging, just truthing (is that a word? it is now)).


maximum small winerys furnish this service.... also you could purchace a wine in bulk (from any shop) that matches the flavor of you and your groom/bride. there are a number of orange depending products like "citrus answer" that could be sprayed on then the labels bumped off. i have considered a number of couples do this (or have their experience planner do it for them) and create personalzed lables.... this is more desirable efficient to order the labels, because the homestead printed ones look quite affordable. also, this is not extraordinarily intense priced to have them printed. All wine drinkers recognize that this is the accepted and flovor of a wine and in no way the expenses that concerns so yopu can provide a very high quality wine at a less expensive.


yes, i used to like the blue nun for this reason.

