EBAY SELLERS!! Can you block this vexatious buyer?

A number of sellers in the UK and elsewhere have been forced to refund a fraudulent buyer in Taiwan - he invents wonderful complaints. Every UK seller he has bought from has suffered this so it is time he was outed. Ebay is aware but they rarely act on clear evidence.
ID is hpoto66


Sorry K, I'm probably breaking eBay rules myself in posting this so I can't add anything that would tend to identify me. Suffice to say that an item listed as having faults will be complained about as having faults. Items you know had no faults will develop mysterious flaws. One seller copied me a message referring to "retrogressive metamorphism" which is something made up in a buzzword generator - no flaw in anything known to mankind!


Favorite Answer

Put him on your blocked buyer list.


He also uses the usernames 2012canon888 & 2012happyman9988, we have been left negative feedback for items with no faults, even emailed the little basket and told him "there is no fault so don't ask for a refund when it arrives", it arrived and we got a request for a partial refund, we are getting sick of the buyers from the far east who find a fault and ask for partial refund but can never post back, just had one who had a pro camera lens delivered in Cardiff, it arrived on a Saturday morning and at 6pm we get a message saying it arrived faulty and he has had it repaired at a local printing shop for £40 - and he cannot get into his mind why we don't believe him!!!!


And it happened to me with this buyer, I sold 2 lenses 100% functional after a week asking me 60 euro. HPOTO66 avoid EBAY


2013canonfd and an crook, buy the merchandise, after asking for a refund fully functional object, a thief ebay.
recently changed its name from ebay hpoto66 to 2013canonfd.


thats all one Person

Mr. "2012canon888"
Mr. "2012happyman9988",
Mr. "2013canonfd"
Mr. "hpoto66"
Mr. "aa5688hh"

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