My Ipod nano got wet and now will not shut off?

Not sure of the Generation or what have you, but its the Ipod nanos that look like the first kind, only the screen is a bit taller and you can put video and voice recordings on it. (I'm a dumb dumb, don't mind me)

About 2 months ago, my lovely two year daughter decided my Ipod needed to go for a swim. It was a quick dunk in a glass of water. Luckily, it dried out and was saved (cheers)
But about 3 days later, it began having a lot of issues, which was to be expected, but I'm wondering if there is anyway to fix these issues?

1st issue: The pause/play button does not work. Therefore, I can not turn the ipod off. So basically, when I'm done listening to music, I have to kind of leave it there, then it dies, and I have to re-charge it blah blah. I figured it would turn itself off after being left untouched for over a certain amount of time, but it never has.
I doubt there is a way to fix this, but hey, no harm in asking.

2nd issue: The click wheel kinda goes crazy sometimes. Not always, but on occasion, all of a sudden it will change the song, over, and over, and won't stop. I have to lock it in order to enjoy a song. Again, doubt this can be fixed.

3rd issue: The right side of the click wheel won't work.

Besides that, it still works fine.
And believe me, I have tried countless things, all to avail.
And before someone mentions, my husband bought this for me at a pawn shop, used. (hmm.)
So, I can't really call Apple for help on this one. And yes, it worked like brand new before going swimming.

Please don't be too harsh on me, I know deep down there probably won't be anything that can be done, but humor me.
Thank you very much!


Favorite Answer

You likely have a fourth generation nano

The click wheel operates by reacting with the electricity from your finger, when it was dropped in the water it likely had a minor short out and now will no longer react to your touch at certain area, as for it going haywire this is probably something akin to a current being incorrectly established again and again due to the water damage.

In short it would require professional repair, you COULD call Apple, just because it's used doesn't mean they won't fix it, it will just cost you which may or may not be a serious issue.


Pretty certain that you simply fried it. It would possibly not paintings anymore. Sorry. It's certainly not a well suggestion to combine water and electrical power. You must have waited an afternoon or 2 to supply it a hazard to dry out earlier than you plugged it in.


Well it got wet, so you probably fried the internal part of the nano.