Has anybody seen the movie 'Midnight in Paris'?

What was your opinion of it?


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It is a decent romantic comedy that starts up with quite a long scenic tour of Paris in its opening credits.The plot itself is made of a YouTube-age writer meeting the icons and idols of a bygone, classical era. It has an element of time-travel, fable-like fantasy and a breezy romance all rolled up into one.

It is watchable, and on a certain level, it's quite enjoyable :)


It has many of the same themes a lot of Woody Allen movies have. I'm a fan of his, but quite frankly, I found this movie disappointing. It seemed to be a very stereotypical idea of Paris.

If you want to see a great movie by the same director, go get a copy of Annie Hall or Hannah and her Sisters. Even Radio Days is a much better film. (These are all Woody Allen movies .)