Who was the big band leader who famously said "Yousah, Yousah, Yousah!"?

He was on radio, and I think some TV or movies, back in the 1940's. Thanks for helping!


I have been seeking this since 1982, as my friend Bart S. always said Yowsah, yowsah!, and we couldn't remember who said it. I asked friends, parents, relatives, even watched some Kay K. movies because I thought it might be him, but no go.

Thanks to all who answered (PS, we said yowsah correctly, I just spelled it wrong.)


Favorite Answer

Wrong! Ben Bernie had this for a tagline.

Google him if you don't believe me.


Are you referring to Kay Kyser? He often dressed in a graduation cap and gown, and
focused on the older teenaged set. Ish Kabibble, was a member of his musical group
and was comic relief, even though Kay was funny by himself. Ish had a striking hair
style with his dark hair, and a straight across the forehead bangs and he had front
teeth that stood out as I recall. But the hairstyle was very pronounced.
There was another guy who was a band leader and was in a movie or two during
the early 50's. His name was unusual and made up of course. But I can't recall it.
He had a silly sound with lots of background noises with horns and things. A little
of him went a long way with me.
EDIT: Thanks to the next answer, I now remember the name of Spike Jones.I could
only remember the Jones part. One of these bandleaders has to be who you are
looking for, who fit your description.

old fart2012-03-06T12:04:07Z

Ben Bernie


Kay Kyser and His College of Musical Knowledge.


Cab Calloway?

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