Can you see the boy in the corner?

Away in the corner
Pulled into a ball
A tight knot of pain
With his head on the wall

(A tear demands to be seen)

The language of learning
Is passing him by
In shame at his pain
He's refusing to cry

(It squeezes through tight shut eyes)

Jumbled impressions
Of numbers and sounds
Questions and theories
And words turning round

{Falling softly to the floor}

Unnoticed he suffers
A personal hell
Begging salvation
From a mid-morning bell

(To reflect November skies)

Bells ringing!
Hearts singing!
Stampede at the door.
And the teacher sits and puzzles
Over splash marks
On the floor.


Favorite Answer

As a retired special needs teacher, I not only SEE the boy in the corner,
I KNOW him, and you've captured his feelings and fears extremely well.


Love it<3


Smooth reading and surprise ending,
poor little guy.


Poor kid needs some remedial ed