Well, it appears that Romney just might win the Republican nomination?
... how do you feel about that if you are a Republican.. how do you feel if Democrat.
I have nothing against Romney, but it troubles me that Obama is so happy with Romney being the one he will oppose.. why is that... I think we may be in for four more years of Obama, God help us all.
i think we really needed a fighter, someone with less scruples and rules than Romney t fight Obama, who has no honor at all. I think that man was Gingrich, as much as i don't like him.
Honest opinions , please.
To the first poster.. all i have to say to you... i would rather have a clown in the White house than a traitor.. you however feel differently.
To J.C.. can tell what you are about by your use of the Lords name...yes, the GOP may need someone just as crooked as Obama to beat him.. he is evil.. but I am sure you adore him!
Favorite Answer
I feel disappointed that Ron Paul or Newt Gingrich are not winning, I believe they can easily defeat Obama. I think Romney and Obama are too similar for an easy win by either. I am glad that Santorum is not in first, but he is second, this makes me nervous.
I really don't think anyone of the Republicans except Romney could beat Obama. Santorum has buried himself with this birth control stuff. Hey Rick, contraception has not been an issue in 40 years!
I also don't think Obama is happy about Romney being the nominee. He'll have a hard time getting the nomination, but he has more appeal to the "moderate" voters. Obama knows this and that's what OWS is all about. Romney knows this too and that's why he's not bending over backwards to get the conservative base.
The stupid box has reached an all time high of douchery by not providing america with information how the delegate process works for the primaries. The delegate allocation is very close amongst all 4 guys and at this point it looks like none of them will reach the minimum to outright win the nomination, which means there will probably be a brokered convention. And that will be super interesting given the Paul delegates who I predict will not budge to support anyone but Paul so it is going to be interesting to see what happens.
I suggest you look into a brokered convention and how the delegates are allocated, what you see on the news is just a beauty contest, with crack head whitney houston commiting suicide and lindsay lohan going insane and kim kardashian getting married and divorced on the side.
I am thrilled that Romney may become the Republican GOP candidate. Romney has the experience of running a state, as well as a business. While he was governor, he only accepted one dollar a year for his salary. He is selfmade. When his father left him an enormous amount of money, he donated all of it to charity. However, I will be pleased with whichever GOP candidate wins, as they are all very strong, very intelligent and appear to love our country. The best thing that could have happened to all of our candidates is what has already happened....They are all vetted. Obama wins elections by destroying his opponents. You can read able it in the internet, even back when he ran instate for the Senate.
I do not believe that Obama is happy. From what I have read, he has been watching anything and everything that Romney has said or done on the news, more so than he has watched anyother candidate. Obama just thinks that by acting the way he is, he can keep control of his worshippers. I have noticed that at times he is very sarcastic, even to foreign heads of states, including walking out on them. I was shocked at that childish behavior streak he has in him. Yet, his KOOL AIDE drinking worshippers think that no matter how badly he embarrasses the USA, they see nothing wrong.
If Breibart's tapes do vet Obama, he may have lost a number of his supporters by morning. Breibart is the one who taped ACORN. Obama, answering to the outrage from the general public, did stop government support for ACORN. No problem, ACORN just dissolved itself and multiplied into numerous gov't supported programs. Obama knew that and condoned it.
I will be watching Breibart's tapes on the Hannity Show on FOX News cable tonight. If Breibart really has the tapes that he claims to have had, then most people will have their eyes opened, if they watch.
I am proud of all four GOP candidates and will immediately stand behind the one that is chosen.
Romney is better than Santorum, Paul, or Gingrich. The GOP has settled on a pathetic field this year. I think Obama thinks Romney will win, but hopes Santorum or Gingrich will beat him out in the end.