Okay lemme try one: If 0bama wins re-election will taxpayers have to power their cars with aborted fetuses?

And the blood of Jesus?

Hows that? Pretty good right? I got Abortion and taxes and Jesus and a 0bama in there...


*** Grrrr.. You're right! Guns and terrorism. I forgot those. Clearly I need to do my homework.


Favorite Answer

how did you discover our secret plan?

expect the secret service to visit you later today..


I am waiting for a 500 million dollar grant from the government so I can develop the "Prairie Schooner." I am going to attach sails and windmills to the top of cars to power them. As Obama has stated before not every green energy start-up will make it, so if mine fails the taxpayers will not mind footing the bill while I collect a huge salary and bonus as long as the taxpayer's money holds out.

Rick Astley2012-03-08T09:04:55Z

Why did you spell Obama with a zero? Anyway your comedy style is really funny! You should be a stand up comedian... No wait scratch that, you should try out for SNL your so funny, I cant wait to see what the future holds for you!


Not bad. But you could have featured something about terrorism as well for the full whammy.


how about holy water X Garlic salt X E? (make hydrogen and keep parasitic democrats away from your car)

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