If you are going to fight poverty, then why won't you also fight bullying? Or war? Or world hunger? If human life is important, then why don't you also do X, Y, Z...
Therefore, you are wrong.
What fallacy would the above constitute? I believe I've heard and seen it before, but I can't quite put my finger on what specific fallacy this would be.
Houston, we have a problem2012-03-08T18:05:21Z
Favorite Answer
- I don't see a fallacy, per se. Though "straw man" fallacy comes to mind first, if I were to name one.
You did not state that you were fighting against all bad things in humanity. You stated you were going to fight poverty. They argue that you fail to save humanity from all the ills. But that isn't a statement related to your original premise regarding poverty. They are creating a false "straw man" argument from your statement, and then disputed the false statement they created, not you.
Your response - "Yes, those are also bad things for humanity, but I fight poverty". And if you want to turn the "straw man" argument around, add in "and you're ugly, and your mother dresses you funny". Which is just as unrelated to his/her statement as his/her statement was to yours.