anybody but obama and the best choice?

when it comes to the general election this november, alot of republicans say that they will vote anybody but obama. However, it seems like these same republicans believe that ron paul is inherently worse than obama, even though many of the other candidates have had their up and downs in polls, and they forget the fact that paul is very similar to all the other republican candidates on most of the issues.
Second of all, to say that you will vote anybody but obama is like saying it doesnt matter if you agree with the republican nominee or if he's the best choice, you will just vote for him simple because he's not obama, even though he could have similar policies as obama, as long as he's not obama you're k with him?

why do republicans think with this logic?


Favorite Answer

Every last one of you Obama-Bots ALWAYS have a fatal flaw in the logic of your rants.

yours is no exception. it is:
"it seems like these same republicans believe that ron paul is inherently worse than obama"

I will HAPPILY support Rue Paul over Obama.IF he is the nominee. I do not think he is the best choice, but he IS better than Obama. The thing is, Most of the Paul Bots will vote Obama if Paul is not the nominee. ,


Well it's because ANYBODY is better than Obama! And yes people should simply vote against Obama. This is why,
1. to get rid of "Obamacare" ! Which will make our medical system similar to Canada. Look it up if you want more info and see what the Canadians are even saying about how America will be when this happens.
2. Iran is in the process of making nuclear weapons of mass destruction so of course Israel is planning to attack. Obama has made statements that support that he will not help until there is proof!? How much more proof can you get!
3. Gas prices. He will not drill in the US which would make gas prices lower.
4. Our nation is in terrible debt and Obama has no clear plan to lower it, where as most of the republicans example Paul do have plans.

The republican candidates have these things as top issues they will take care of. Yes the fighting over republican candidates is stupid because this is cutting our chances but I pray once the one is chosen, he beats Obama.


Liberals said the same thing when Bush was up for reelection (anybody but Bush!). Cons hate Obama as much as Libs hated Bush...if history repeats itself Obama's got another 4 years of country-ruinin' to do. The only con that I see as being a marked improvement on Obama is Paul which is who I'll vote for even if it is as a 3rd party.

Mr. Sarcasm2012-03-11T21:03:05Z

Using your logic, if Ron Paul was elected president, who would support his ideas?

Currently, Obama is blackmailing Democrats across the board into supporting him.


All the republicans are terrible. I'm either voting for Obama, or not voting at all.
To be honest, Obama's a pretty good president. He's done alot of posotive things.

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