An argument against the world colonizing Africa? Can you make one?

If a variety of countries colonized Africa, France, US, UK, Canada, Spain, would bring more order to the region that is there now. There is plenty of land and plenty of countries for all the worlds civilized countries to participate.
Wouldn't this be better than sitting back and ignoring the horrible things currently going on?


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Well we tried that once so many years back and our interference turned what had been one of the world's wealthiest areas into a third world continent. That was due in part to our insistence that everything be done the European way, which of course combined people that never should have been combined, separate people who never should have been separated, and rebuilt a culture that was doing just fine on its own.

Now that Africa is tearing itself apart, we feel no need to help because it doesn't effect us, and more importantly intervening anywhere is expensive. It would therefore be best to let the Africans figure this one out on their own.


Pedro Thats what the romans did they colonized northern Africa and they colonized some of the middle east


They already did that over a hundred years ago.