Who will be Obama's running mate this time around?

It will not be Joe Biden, he screwed himself with Barry when he said it was time to quit blaming Bush and start accepting responsibility themselves.

Mr. Wizard2012-03-16T01:24:23Z

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By prestige tradition, U.S. presidents vying for re-election normally keep their Vice President by their side. It's assumed that for POTUS to ask a VP step down disrespects and weakens the prestigious image of the President's Office.....as if THAT hasn't already been done time and time over, these past 4 years.

However, the Vice President DOES have the open option to resign from office IF they choose.

But given the VP automatically becomes POTUS IF something ever happens to their boss that seriously incapacitates them ( God forbid--eyes roll upwards !! )---that hold out of hope normally keeps them in office as "number two".

If Joe Biden resigns as VP, he would be the first in modern history to do so; that would seal endgame of ANY re-election chances for Barry Obama--why wa$te all the campaign money even trying???

Barry might not like his VP standing up to him---but at this juncture in the re-election game, what real choice does he have but to hug VP Biden tight by his side and smile for the cameras.

I'm loving it. :)


Most likely Joe Biden will sign up for a second go around, but he has indicated he might want to ease up on the work load and no he is not on the outs with President Obama, in fact President Obama welcomes candor and openness unlike his Teapublican opponents who need people to be in lock step or is that goose step with them all of the time.
President Obama stays outwardly cool but beneath the surface he is angry enough that if Biden does step down, then most likely the choice will be Dennis Kucinich, just to P.O. just about every one.
However, the more obvious choice, if people forgive his sexual escapades would be Bill Richardson.


Note neither Kucinich or Richardson would be in the way if Hillary does run in 2016 and no she would not be Veep.


Word on the street here in DC is Biden and Hillary are going to switch. Regardless of what happens, I'm pretty positive Hillary is leaving the State Dept.


I bear in mind examining that the two Obama and Clinton pronounced they does no longer take the vice chairman function if the different gained the Presidency bid. I Agree: John Edwards might make an staggering decision for vice chairman. in simple terms by way of fact the others interior the run have been women human beings or minorities would not propose Edwards in a racist. He has greater of the properly-known persons pastimes at heart than the different flesh presser in recent elections.


There were rumors he wanted Sarah Palin, but then he was told he doesn't get to pick the republican VP candidate.

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