Seventeen minutes of pure bullcrap. ?

That seventeen minute re~election propergander crap that liberal hollywood put together with lies mixed in with peices of truth,is just that. Liberals will believe it obviousily. Will it make you independents or non comitted want to vote for this guy?


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What scares me is if people watch it and base their vote on it without weighing all the facts,all the flip flops and broken promises they will probably vote for him again. I truly believe there are people so uninformed so stuck in their ideological rut so incapable of seeing the facts and weighing them that they would still vote for Obama despite all his failures. I hope they come to their senses and begin to use their brain and vote him out.

Queen of Sheba2012-03-17T08:05:21Z

Yes, I fear Americans are proving that the majority of them are brain dead and unworthy of freedom, maybe they are too stupid to even deserve to live,

If they re elect Obama, it will be proven that America is primarily a nation of fools as the wise learn from other's mistakes but the fool doesn't even realize it when they've made a mistake!


yep, Your 100% spot on, it's hollywood crap, I was waiting for Obama to rap himself in the flag and do a song & dance routine.

Obama is far from that fantasy, Obama is better known for wars, torture, stripping constitutional rights, kissing corporate butt, and .... ( wait for it ..... ) .... Bullshitting.


i laughed so hard at that video.
the overall tone of it was like "oh, we didn't realize how big of a mess we were getting into when we took office, that's why the country still sucks right now. but vote for me again and i'll get it going this time. i promise"



Great video.

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