Anyone having problems uploading videos to youtube as of March 16 2012?

I've posted over 100 videos on my channel so this is not a formatting issue or mistake on my part. When I try and click upload, youtube is unresponsive. Nothing happens, literally.

Youtube has been acting really weird. Also when I go to my video manager and want to view my older videos by clicking on page 1, it won't allow me to. It only allows me to view page 2, which are my more recent videos. It's a pain.

Anyone else have this problem? I tried uploading with Safari and Firefox but to no avail. I saw some people on the net state they were having the same problems so I hope they fix it. any suggestions would be great. thanks


If anyone finds out, can someone please message me? much appreciated


Favorite Answer

I'm getting this exact same **** problem and I need to get a video up ASAP . Meanwhile the big channels I'm subscribed to seem to be having no problems.


Same problem here. I've tried both IE and Chrome. Nothing happens at all. It's always worked fine before. Must be a bug or something.


I'm getting this problem too, not only on Windows XP, but on Ubuntu. I also tried Mozilla and Chromium on both systems and i'm getting the same problem. Like you I hope there is a fix.

~~~Wendy~~~ P2012-03-18T17:32:27Z

I too am having the same problem. I click Upload, browse for my video, select it, and nothing happens! It's quite frustrating!!! Please come back and post if anyone finds out what we can do to fix this.


Here, this video should probably help you out :)

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