The Hunger Games had proved itself to be a great series, for the first two books. The third however lagged, was depressing, and just poorly written in comparison to the others. I still however, do LOVE the hunger games concept and idea. It was an enjoyable read.
Harry Potter, however, has been in my heart for a long time. It is my past and present, and I love every single aspect of that series. Harry Potter has followed me through elementary school, to middle school, and lives with me in my high school years. I have reread that series multiple times. Each word floats of the page and holds out in my mind. Never in my life have I wanted a fictitious place to be real like Hogwarts. I owe J.K Rowling so much for how much she has added to my life.
Do you even want me to put twilight into this? Its 4 books of bullsh*t. The characters are stupid. Whatever little plot there is is stupid. I know this from reading the first book, Twilight. I couldn't get myself to read the second book because the first was so bad! No one likes twilight AT ALL. Why should we even compare this book to other two. Twilight is like a gold sticker, the hunger games is like a solid gold necklace, and Harry Potter is the shining gold star.