Scariest horror film mask?

Which do you think is the scariest horror film mask?

And it doesn't have to be a thriller-killer hockey style may include anything that hides a person's face and is within a scary movie. Say, like the button-eye sack mask in The Orphanage, you can include anything like that :)


Some brilliant answers so far, keep them coming!

((Logan)) she always very much scared me too! Good answer :)

And oh my god....HELLO WITCHCRAFT!!! It's been absolutely ages, glad to see you and great choice too :) :)

Jake No Chat2012-03-19T05:20:13Z

Favorite Answer

The mask made from human skin in The Texas Chainsaw Massacre. If you see that coming at run, Run!!

Masquerade Midnight2012-03-20T00:28:38Z

Behind the Mask: The Rise of Leslie Vernon
Unmasked 25
The Night Brings Charlie
George Romero's Bruiser
Midnight Horror Movie
The Mask (black and white horror movie hosted by Elvira)
Saw's Amanda Young/pig mask
The masks in Halloween 3 season of the witch


Rawhead Rex

The Crate Creature from The Creepshow

The Tarman from The Return of the Living Dead

Frank from Donnie Darko


A good list and the first thing that came to my mind was a horror film called The Fun house which I had the misfortune to see donkey's years ago - the bad guy - hideous and scared the crap out of me. Look it up - it's just awful.


Hey emjob,
I'll go with Michael Myers, the blank expression on his mask is so much scary than any other.

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