Why aren't deleted questions deleted?

I sometimes forget and go to oldest questions or the least answered question only to find the question has been deleted.
IF I am feeling very optimistic I might open a couple more only to find they too have been deleted.

It's just a pointless waste of time... sometimes wasting time is enjoyable... going to the effort of finding a question only to see it's been deleted is frustrating.

I am really sure I'm not the first one who has tried to bring this to your attention.

If you must keep deleted question, put them in a deleted questions area.

Thanks for not reading this and-or thanks for not taking any notice - it's been fun.

Son of T32012-03-20T01:02:47Z

Favorite Answer

It is a long standing glitch. The system simply loses the place for these. In the past, you could get the staff to clear them now and then, but with cutbacks, it takes a bunch of users on the Suggestion Board to get them to do it. And that only happens when the site is working. It has been months since the site worked totally.


I suppose that it is a fault of the system, one which yahoo do not think is worth the bother of fixing since it has been like it for as long as I can remember.
It works to the advantage of spammers like the one constantly advertising call girls as even when supposedly deleted their numbers are there for all to see.

"Good luck with that. I have had 4 occasions since the weekend when I have tried to edit my own answer and been taken to another user's answer instead. I can't even get them to answer me about a serious security issue such as that. I mean can you imagine the advantages an unprincipled person could take of THAT glitsch?"
I had the same thing happen, there are some serious security problems with yahoo.


Good luck with that. I have had 4 occasions since the weekend when I have tried to edit my own answer and been taken to another user's answer instead. I can't even get them to answer me about a serious security issue such as that. I mean can you imagine the advantages an unprincipled person could take of THAT glitsch?

So I suspect you'll be left hanging on this.

And the first answerer said: The site has not worked for months. It seems to be falling apart.


You forgot to say Dear Yahoo, thats why, alternately go to cat section insult cafe mocca and she will get rid of you, the question and any accounts you have.


Yea, I have this too. It's pretty annoying...

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