What does the Yahoo Answers community think about love?

Personally, I'd rather be alone forever than with someone I don't love, I guess what I'm asking is: Is it more important for you to be in a relationship, than be in love?

Bonus question: What is love to you?


@ AGoodPerson: It's all relative, it is quite possible, but some people won't be willing to go to that extent. Some people believe that love is just there from the beginning, and they rely on that, yet lose out on so much more.


Favorite Answer

if you are in relationship with someone you don't love... there is a fair chance that you will develop love towards your partner...


for me the important thing is to be in love than in a relationship..they say its something you will know by feel..i think if someone substitutes the mom's love,then it may be a real love..citation needed!!