I'll love her until I die, and she wants nothing to do with me, what do I do?

She stopped talking to me about a month ago, and I won't give up, I don't even want to move on, I'd rather feel this pain and love her than anything else. I'm not choosing to be unhappy, still loving her is the only thing that does make me happy... Her telling me that I'm not allowed to love her is what makes me sad.


Yeah, you guys are right, I am in creepy stalker territory, but I have a damn right to be, I'm unresolved, restless and it hardly seems to affect her what I do, I have no reason to stop, it's not hurting her at all, she keeps on saying how much she doesn't care.

Love isn't about letting go, that's just what people say when they don't want to give people a chance to make things right.


She did respect me... Then I listened to her and found someone else because she didn't want me waiting around for her... Then she got angry at me.


Favorite Answer

I heard part of love is knowing when you're creeping somebody out and stopping.


I understand love, so I can't blame you.
Let me tell you something. I fell in love with a girl, she is beautiful and I'd do anything for her, I want us to be together, the problem is, that was 4 years ago.

I never made a move on her, I just sat there and watched her hoping she perhaps would make a move on me. Now it's to late. You don't want to end up like that, keep on trying!


Respect her feelings, have some pride in yourself, and LEAVE HER ALONE. You are in the creepy stalker territory. Get counseling.


Mortimer Hurpington has self esteem issues


You need to find a person who respects your feelings. She is never gonna respect you.. that's the hard fact

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