Why does society say letting go of people is love?

I'm not saying you do or don't love someone when you let go of them, but why specifically is it that we're told what we feel if we don't succeed in acting a certain way according to society.

I feel people are saying that I don't love because I refuse to give up on someone and if I really loved her, I'd let go. But why on earth would I listen to others tell me what love is?

Why is this kind of thinking even allowed?


I just want to know that I'm not all alone, to that extent, I like knowing if people feel the same as me.


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[on breakups]
the analogy for letting go is like a caged bird being let go, and if he so returns then you know he loves you and wants to be with you.

the message here is only through your partners own decision and his/her own decision that one may know he/she really loves you.

[on death]
in death, it seems wrong to let go of the other person soo "soon" and those with such deep feelings for their departed partner takes even years to let go as they feel bad to marry or even date again. the more conservative the society the more accepted that a longer time of mourning.

[on giving up]
be it a partner going through tough times i.e. financial, drugs, poor behavior. to give up on them without trying and really trying to support emotionally is wrong for me however its also wrong and unfare if given enough time for the partner to do their best and try to improve is also wrong against you, after all you deserve to be happy too.

with families, i dont think there is a time limit and letting go must be made contructive. not by abandoning but by supporting though correct mean of support i.e. giving time for the love-one, not by ignorning the problem, talking...etc

[On listening to others to tell you what love is]
by you asking in yahoo answers, consciously or sub-consciously what others think means something to you. perhaps to give clarity on how other people think.

love can be many things, even miscontrued as one think than real love. but love is what love is to a person not no one else. so if you express love different from the social norm then that doesnt mean your love is non the lesser, its just your way.

example: from the bible: ""Love is always patient and kind. It is never jealous. Love is never boastful or conceited. It is never rude or selfish. It does not take offense and is not resentful"

im sure many people get jealous, and sometimes selfish but like i said, love is different.

all i can say is, if you love someone the relationship should be good for both parties. one should make the other be a better person. if to let go he or she needs to understand if they love you back, then you owe it to them to try to findout what they truly feel.

after all, you wont appreciate what you have until you lose it, but its so much better if you find it back. =)


I think the main reason people say it is because people care about someone who is hurting and can see that person holding on to something that they feel is holding them back from being the best that they can be.

As a society as a whole... it is "easier" to tell someone let go and move forward. That is because the majority are not the ones that are affected by the relationship.


Society expects a lot from us but it's your individuality that keeps you swimming against the current which is great. But in this particular category, I think the whole idea is that if you set someone free and they return to you, it's "meant to be" which has been tested and proven. Generally, you end a relationship with someone (or at least try to) but in a matter of time, you or your ex will eventually reach out. It's the same concept as "absence makes the heart grow fonder" or "you don't realize what you have until it's gone". My advice to you is not worry about society and its rules/ expectations, and do what your heart makes you feel! Best wishes!


More like, they know you have no choice but to let go sometimes. Of course you might disagree. But no one dictates your love life so ... just do whatever you are most comfortable with. meeting new people might help. It's just.. you are not alone


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