Do you read the Answers of others before you answer or after you answer the questions here?

I read them after I answer the question so my thoughts are mine and not just going along with the crowd... How about you?

Inquiring minds want to know...

† FNS †

Leslie Goudy2012-03-21T07:50:34Z

Favorite Answer

Ha, I don't believe you. You know why? You would NEVER go along with the crowd. LOLOLOL

Hows that for a FNS imitation!

I always read them first because if someone else answers the way I am going to there is no point in answering imho.

Just the facts, maam2012-03-21T12:53:58Z

Yes, because I dont want to repeat some ones answer and also there are some points in the answers that could be addressed as well. If it is like a rant without sources I just ignore it. Or if it is too long I pick thru it and decide if I want to read it all.

Live Free or Pancakes2012-03-21T13:02:42Z

If I was so impressionable,

That I could just read a few lines and then not know the difference between my own thoughts or the thoughts of those around me,

I'd be *extremely* careful about what kind of people I paid attention to.

Many people are like that.

(It's not an intellectual shortcoming so much as a personality flaw. )


I usually have an immediate reaction to the questions that I answer, so I answer them right away. I sometime read other answers later.


I usually answer then read, but at times there are such short answers they catch my eye. With that said it in no way changes what my opinion is.

I read your question before reading the answers and I'm late getting here. :)

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