Why don't all the Obamahugging democrats...?

just cut to the chase and give away the money you earn NOW without using the government as a middleman?


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That is what Barack Hussein Obama wants us to do. To be weakened and for his fellow Muslims to attack us again.


That is why in November Obama is gonna sweep the floor with your GOP Stooges. You people know a lot of rhetoric insults and nothing else and your election campaign shows it. You people don't know your elbow from your @$$ but when it comes to talking crap you guys rule.

Mongo Khan2012-03-22T22:09:39Z

At least the Democrats return the money as services to the people. Republicans don't think the people deserve anything.


that.. makes no sense...? If you're implying obama will raise taxes you might want to look at the fact that republicans love taxes... On the poor. but give tons of tax breaks to the rich. Democrats are the opposite...


That a boy,,, keep listing to Rush, & watching Fox Tabloid News.... That will help....

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