Conservatives against Separation of Church and State, what do you think of this:?

"We establish no religion in this country. We command no worship. We mandate no belief, nor will we ever. Church and state are and must remain separate." -Ronald Reagan.


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too bad liberals hate the constitution and

shitt on it daily


OMG The hypocrisy!!

Damn damn damn! Now I cannot claim Reagan as my God anymore!

Hmmmmm...wait, wait, wait for it...YES I CAN!!

I damn well know that Reagan raised taxes numerous times yet I still deny that reality and insert the 21st Century Conservative history revisionism fantasy that says Reagan lowered taxes.

I just do the same here.

Ronald Reagan said "Let the Pope have an American Puppet President, let Jesus rule this land!!"

Whew!!! I was worried for a moment.


Conservatives are not against the separation. Liberals are.

The constitution says the government shall make no laws pertaining to religion. No laws. It;s the liberals who make all sorts of laws about religion: No religious symbols in public, no silent prayer allowed in school, etc...

If a conservative wanted to enforce a religion, then he would indeed be violating the clause, but then he is not really a conservative.

Conservatives want to be left alone, not harassed by liberals. Reagan was totally right.


"No provision in our Constitution ought to be dearer to man than that which protects the rights of conscience against the power of its public functionaries, were it possible that any of these should consider a conquest over the conscience of men either attainable or applicable to any desirable purpose " Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826)
I remain with Thomas Jefferson the principle author of the Declaration of Independence, on Separation of Church and State.
For Liberty!


definite, i do no longer trust the government annoying one faith interior the U. S.. by way of fact the assertion of separation of Church and State has no longer something to do with using faith to manage this us of a, yet extremely it protects the electorate of this us of a from a declared national or state faith. all the founding fathers of the U. S. have been religious and none have been atheist. interior the assertion you published, Adams is pointing out that no person faith replace into used in determining regulation interior the rustic. returned in his time, Islam replace into no longer what this is in the present day. It would desire to easily be an unusual occurring that lots of our regulations are based on the ten Commandments. you are able to desire to envision right here link approximately precisely what occurred with the "Treaty of Tripoli" in the previous claiming it some how skill that the U. S. replace into no longer according to Christian or religious ideals.

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