Ex Jehovah's Witnesses, what led you to leave The Watchtower Organization?

I have been teaching the adult Sunday School class at my Church about the Jehovah's Witnesses history and doctrinal beliefs. I'm now moving on how to witness to them effectively.

I can't say I've had a sufficient amount of witnessing opportunities with them. I have a friend/co worker who has recently become a JW, but I've been careful with what I have said to him just because I don't want to ruin any chances witnessing to him in the future. I've been slowly working on him. Also, my interactions with JWs here on Y!A have been more or less fantastical merely because they don't act the same way the JWs at my door way act.

What helped you leave the organization? Was it false prophecy? False doctrine?

Any answers will be extremely helpful.


please take note to whom this question is directed. if it doesn't pertain to you then take your comments somewhere else. thank you.


Hannah B, probably to your astonishment, most of my information was taken from old publications of yours, whether it was written by Charles Taze Russell, Joseph Rutherford, Frederick Franz, or other members of the Governing Body. Nonetheless, it came from YOUR publications. I've said it before and I'll proclaim it to whomever I believe needs to hear it, The Watchtower's publications is the Jehovah's Witness worst nightmare. Simply by using the Bible and Watchtower publications one can prove the organization to be false teachers and prophets.


sunshine, i'll do my best, but give me some time. i'm a married homeowner with two kids and two jobs, so it's clear i don't have a lot of time to dedicate to Y!A. remember, this is a learning opportunity for ME. though, you have to understand my core audience are those who have left. i have to take their word over yours since they have actually taken the plunge into the unknown world outside of the JW organization.


sunshine, i don't care about the lifestyle of the average jehovah's witness. i'm telling you about MY circumstances. but it's quite clear i don't need to answer either of your questions because it's evident even in your answer that there is poison and spiritual contamination within your organization. that alone should raise red flags about who you're trusting. you want me to show you where to go after the JW organization? that's up to the Holy Spirit to decide, not me. why don't you try asking the "apostates" who answered my question, since i've never been in their shoes.


sunshine, what you're doing is asking for a debate of which i am not looking to contribute to. organized religion? perhaps you should study ecclesiology first before you begin to engage in debates about organized religion. go ahead, take some time to google what that big word means.

my religion? i'm a Christian.


"I am not interested crossing swords with apostates, haters or opposers"

help me understand what this phrase means, because i oppose jehovah's witnesses doctrine of salvation, Christ, God, the Holy Spirit, baptism, church membership, church conduct, prophecy, end times, etc.



Favorite Answer

Hello Nelson....Thank you for a well-needed ministry.

We were members for 40 years.

It was the constant internal strife that signaled us year after year, that directed our attention to the promises of Jesus Christ, not the OT God.

As you know, they are programmed to reject any teachings, or correction, or criticism of their Watchtower held beliefs.

It is this rigid programming that is the real enemy, not the scripture context we have tried to deliver them with.

They are proponents for the God of the OT, and they have been trained to reduce Jesus Christ's effectiveness as King, and Lord, by the leaders of the sect.

The only way they can be reached is with love, prayers, and scriptural application in wisdom.

If they, as we did, learn that their salvation is NOT through an "organization alone", as we were led to believe, but through the Grace of the Lord Jesus, they respond with timidity, but it is the love from Jesus that will set them free.

If they are in a group, forget it, as they have a loyalty bond, and fear that they would be reported for listening to foreign teachings.

If you catch one alone in a store, on the street, in whatever place you find the Holy Spirit leads you to them, ask them this question;

"If you ever discovered the organization was in grave error, could you leave"?

If they say "never"...ask them if they are not willing to lose all they have for the real truth"?

Before they can answer, say; "Do you value the security of the organization, family and friends, more than the reliance on Jesus and Holy Spirit you would need, if you left"?

This has worked somewhat for me, and it has opened their ears for real truth to trickle in.

My wife and I left the organization when we realized their "deeper exotic" teachings were never spoken of, like the dissolving of Jesus' body in the tomb, or how they claim Michael the Archangel was Jesus, without any scripture proof, and how Jesus was not our direct mediator...that was a big one for me, because we realized we were in disagreement about their teachings, as it did not align with the reason that Jesus came to set all men free.

It took us a solid year of 2 to 3 hours a day of research and study, and prayer, to bring down the walls of doubt, and false training. The false prophesies and the true history of the WTBTS was incredible to learn about, and why we were never remotely interested in doing any research while we were members,.....that still haunts us.

We have our son still there, and they have commanded him to never speak to us again, under threat of elder discipline.

We have no organized church we attend, for the Holy Spirit is teaching us all things.

We are free, and happier than we have ever been...we thank our Lord and King Jesus for the real truth of His love, under grace.

Just listen to their defensive, and accusatory answers here...this is their "normal"..

Blessings, and may the Lord Jesus bless your efforts with the freeing of the prisoner of false teachings.

Joe and Mary




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Ex Jehovah's Witnesses, what led you to leave The Watchtower Organization?
I have been teaching the adult Sunday School class at my Church about the Jehovah's Witnesses history and doctrinal beliefs. I'm now moving on how to witness to them effectively.

I can't say I've had a sufficient amount of witnessing opportunities with them. I have a...


The ones I heard about wanted freedom to choose things for themselves. But, I understand that the organisation is a little more flexible these days. But most groups of any kind want you to learn and stick to the rules. I was never 'baptised' as one, but I thought my investigations may help if you do not get a better reply.


I can not reason with Jehovah's Witnesses.

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