Will Erick Holder give Hashim Nzinga a Get out of Jail free Card too?


Just wondering?

† FNS †


*********** By the Way.. Sense Y/A blocked my question on the main boards I will ask it here...

Why is SpermCellGOP allowed to use PORN images as his Avatar?

† FNS †


Must be a question too hot to touch... LOLOLOL



Leslie Goudy2012-03-28T19:57:44Z

Favorite Answer

Nah - they are throwing all of your questions off the board right now because you pissed some Liberal off at Yahoo. You are not bowing and scraping to the great and glorious Obama of the Magic Suit. You are interested in Liberty and that pisses off a certain person on the staff of Yahoo. I don't ask many questions any more because of it. You are hot for 2 or 3 days. Then try again. They also do it when you include a link without editing the link. You always must ask for a link on edit once they don't like you anymore.

Erick needs to be thrown in jail himself as he is a War Criminal imho. And yes, hew will give him a get out of jail free card.

All of the disgusting commies on ya deny the fact there is a Black Panther Party