How much is gas in other countries?

So President Obama says drilling oil here in America won't help lower prices at our pumps?


Here is what the countries who drill much of the oil we buy today on the "Global Markets" pay at their pumps, and here is why...

They protect their own Oil markets from the Oil Companies Greed. President Obama and our Congress is either not smart enough to see this or doesn't want to see this... You decide which... I already know...

For the solution, continue to read.

To all setting Politicians, President Obama included...

The time is now... Either you (politicians) are part of the solution or you (politicians) are part of the problem... You decide... Then we will decide whether to re-elect you in November 2012 or on your next re-election run.

If we do what the low Pump priced countries did and keep the majority of the oil we drill for ourselves here in America our prices would be somewhat the same as these lowest priced countries pump prices are...

Maybe the answer is to remove America from the Global Oil Market place for a few years and DRILL BABY DRILL RIGHT NOW....

Oh and the Bull Sh!T of taking too long is just that. If Obama started on day one we would see Gas at the pumps at record LOWS not Record Highs today...

So what we need in the office of President is NOT more of the same... BUT a Change to America First Always attitudes..

If big Oil doesn't want to stop selling their oil overseas it is time for the States themselves to refine their own States oil for their own states residents... Cut out the Big Oil Companies completely if we must...

1 Billion for a new refinery can be paid for, in full, in two years and still have the cost of Gas at less than $2.00 a gallon...

So If Obama won't go along then it's time to get him OUT OF THE WAY...

DRILL NOW IN AMERICA and Stop Big Oil from selling our oil overseas... Either that or stop complaining and get use to either living in big cities or walking to work...

† FNS †


Walt.. Ummmmm... Get some coffee bud...

† FNS †


Jan.. You are correct it is not regulated in our favor NOW... Perhaps it should be taken out of the hands of who runs it now is the point (Obama and Bush and the oil Cartels as well). Lets let the States decide if they will drill oil and cut out the Oil Cartels... Right now Obama as did Bush stands in the way of this happening... Change is good and it needs to CHANGE NOW...

† FNS †


King... Listening to the same old crap from Bush Obama and our setting Politicians of BOTH parties is what placed us here... So either they are the problem or our ignorance is... I frankly believe Americans are smarter than that.. So either they need to FIX the problem or get OUT OF THE WAY...

BTW... Your link sucks try again please...

† FNS †


The Federal level EPA needs to be dissolved and placed in the hands of the states and that would place the power in the hands of We the People...

As for the people who want more of the same posting here...


Time for change... The changes above are just a start of what needs to be done to remove the Problem Makers and replace them with the Problem solvers...

† FNS †


Imagine... So we should not see what other less Free nations do to protect their own oil markets and adapt that which works to our own country? Maybe if we learn from those less free countries that America needs to come first from our own Leadership we too can once again begin the road to recovery.

Doing nothing insures one thing.... Nothing gets done...

† FNS †

Leslie Goudy2012-03-29T14:07:50Z

Favorite Answer

Obama is just another hack politician owned by progressive special interest but you already know that. Check this out - A fleet of oil tankers is heading from Saudi Arabia to the US in order to drive down “unjustified” oil prices of $127 per barrel.

Saudi Arabia’s current capacity of 9.9 million barrels per day already exceeds self-imposed OPEC quotas. Saudi Petroleum minister Ali Naimi said production could go up another 25 percent to 12.5 million barrels per day, if necessary.

To put this into perspective, despite the fact that Alaska’s Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) oil reserve has been a cornerstone of U.S. political wrangling for decades, pumping at this rate would deplete ANWR in 21 months. Dumping oil, what does it mean? The phrase “oil dumping” can be used to describe illegal oil disposal or accidents such as BP’s Deepwater Horizon disaster. But in the context of world trade, dumping has a special meaning. A commodity is dumped into a market, often below production cost, in order to suppress or squeeze out competition.

So we will lick the Saudis rear ends forever and they are the most evil of all regarding the Islamic tradition. Their groups are those that infected the Muslim Brotherhood and started a new tyranny in the Middle East that is still happening. But you know that also.

And we are Israels friend and Iran's sworn enemy and we double deal with China and are now withholding food from a starving nation with WMD and a Psychotic ruler we were giving aid to until they threatened to launch a rocket.

United States Politicians are crazy imho. Neo Conservative, Progressive, Communist. They are all the same


The Belgian L702 had a different fitting for the canister and there should be 5 attachment points. I agree it looks similar as does the German Kriegsmarine Gas mask but again the fittings are all wrong as are the eye pieces. Having played with a British civilian issue again not right for that. For me it just looks odd , it could be correct but it looks like something put together to resemble something it isn't. I would send some pictures off (from several angles) to the imperial war museum they may be able to shed some light on it.


Here in the UK it's around $8 per gallon...

The price of oil is not regulated by the President (be it Bush or Obama).


Compare the places with the lowest gas prices to those with the highest gas prices. Which ones have better governments.

Walter C2012-03-29T05:41:42Z

Depending on the country, Very expensive to very very cheap.

Just one source


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