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The illustrations are awesome!
Betty B
The Frédéric Delavier’s book looks good (online, but I’ve never had it so I cannot recommend it). You can look up books at Amazon and read the customers’ reviews (especially the bad reviews). Exercise books are like cookbooks. What is good for a person is not that good for another. Obviously, a stretching book (or a cooking book) without pictures would be a bad one.
Your best bet is to go to a book store and look around…once you will hold and flip through the book that is right for you, you will know it. You can also borrow different books from the library, try them and order the one that you like best and that fits your fitness level, your gender, your age and your goals.
Find a book, not only with good pictures (preferably including some models that do not look like contortionists and make you feel inadequate), but also with clear instructions on how to stretch, which is as much about your mind as it is about your body.