What's this Movie? a French romantic story?
This will be a challenge . . . Do any of you remember this foreign flick . . it takes place in the South of france . . it's about a middle-aged man who takes ill and is forced to set aside his produce route while he gets treatment and convalesces . . his son . . who lives in the city and is pretty much just a disaffected young man with little going on and no prospects . . is needed back in the country to take over his Papa's route and keep the family business going . . Driving a produce and sundry van from community to community selling produce and wares to the customers . .elderly, British ex-pats and the lot . . long story short . . he does a typical crappy job at first, but gets into the swing of things and starts trying to do a good job . . there's a love interest of course . . he gets things back on track . . Pop recuperates and his relationship with his wife is strengthened and the son makes amends with his family and is in a good relationship himself . . it's a lovely little romantic story. .
Anyone remember this one?
Ah Mitchell . . you're the Man . . thank you for that