Are guys really bad, or do women just have unrealistic expectations?

Just thought I'd ask this.


Favorite Answer

I think women have unrealistic expectations - most of the time, they know if a guy is bad based on the stories they tell each other - they still ignore this and take the risk.

Zaylas Mama10142012-03-30T10:53:50Z

Yes, in fact some guys are bad. I will admit that some of us have unrealistic expectations, but I personally do not. What I am looking for is a man who i'm attracted to physically (tall, shoulder length hair, slender, cute, preferably white, but I can also work with black, asian, hispanic, or biracial.) Personality wise I'd like him to be sweet and sensitive, but not too much, strong and independent, loyal and trustworthy, honest. No kind of abuse (physical, mental, emotional, or otherwise). I want him to have a job and a car, not for me but so that he's able to take care of himself. And I know that somewhere there has to be a guy who fits this. I don't think it's unrealistic or unreasonable, because I'm not asking for Brad Pitt.....I just want to be attracted to him my self even if everyone around me says he ugly.


It depends on each individual really. But generally I would say that it's a slight mix of both, women sometimes expect a Mr. Perfect on a white horse, in return they might bump into someone who's not really compassionate and caring, so if you combine high expectations with a bad individual, you really get a really bad guy!


no, not all guys are bad, but girls in my opinion do have unrealistic expectations, were taught at a young age to find that 'one', when in reality he doesn't exist. but no one told girls to go and try all the guys out there. we set ourselves up for failure when we try to find the guy that has everything were looking for, and we also try to make a guy what we want, which ultimately, screws us over anyways. so to answer yes we have fairytale expectations and no guys dont all suck. [:


Both, imo.