can Spike lee, Roseanne Bar and Hashim Nzinga be arrested if Zimmerman is killed?

Lee and Bar tweeted what they thought was his address and Nzinga put a bounty out for Zimmerman's death...

Is this organized terrorism?

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If not... Is it aiding in the commission of a Felony leading to a death of an American Citizen.

Leslie Goudy2012-03-31T20:05:13Z

Favorite Answer

Nah, this is American and they are famous Hollywood Stars or buddy buddy with Holder.

You aren't looking for justice are you?



Aside from the fact that being killed and being murdered are not the same,Spike paid off the couple for what he did. Bar I don't know if she did or not and HN I have never heard of. None of them will be arrested if Zimmerman is killed.
Besides GZ is in protective custody by his former judge father,he will be fine.


Spike Lee actually apoligized and paid restitution. So I'll give him a pass.

Rosanne Barr has admitted to being mentally unstable. She should be institutionalized.

The Black Panthers are racist thugs. They should be arrested now BEFORE anyone is killed.


Can zimmerman be arrested he actually killed someone?


They will clame self defence

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