Bullies and Weight pull events?
So for anyone here who does weight pull with their APBTs/pit or other breeds have you ever seen anyone with an Am. Bully at the event?
If yes: How well did their dog do? And obviously most are built differently, but how was the dog's actual pulling compared to other dogs who went up?
If no: Do you think there is a reason why you haven't seen any at the pull events you go to?
And to avoid any possible confusion I am not talking about American Bulldogs.
Haven't seen any myself at the events I have been to.
DSR: Last one i went to was late last year. NWDA event. Nice turn out really. If you're anywhere near where the UKC premier will be you check out the pull competitions there. The small dogs are always entertaining to watch.
Greek: You know I have to inject some normal questions in here once in awhile.
Biggy: I know how a pull even is done and what handler/owners say. And hey no one made you answer. BTW was this at a bully even or an all breed event, since the question is mostly about all breed events. And not to say you're fibbing, but you know when a simple google search can't back you up, one has to question the validity of that statement.
Cassie: Heck most of those vids are just training vids and not actual comp vids. But yes you are right, many of them show that those dogs have not been trained and conditioned correctly. They've got owners who think mass is enough and those dogs are going to eventually suffer for that.