So I guess Jury Tampering is OK, so long as you are the President?



Intimidation is a form of tampering.
The judge and jury are indistinguishable on this with regards to having the dispatch of their duties interfered with.
Complaints from both sides are to be expected, but always in the abstract, and not while the specific case is being deliberated on.
The difference is between respecting the process, and manipulating it.
It's a shameful abuse of power.


Favorite Answer

There is a reason for 3 bodies of government
1 presidents like Obama is one reason.
2 When the house and senate have to bribe members to vote for a bill is another reason
3 The scary part is when the Supreme court makes legislation from the bench aka Roe vs Wade,
It has all become political and the loser is the constitution.
Obama and people in congress along with the press of convicting a person who May have defended himself is treasonous because we are all presumed innocent until a "COURT AND JURY" comes in with a verdict.


ok so initially it isn't the semen that travels to the egg that's the sperm. Semen is what the sperm are in whilst they arrive out. The sperm leaves the semen interior a jiffy and travels into the womb. Then it travels by using the tubes to the place it expects the egg to be. which could take hours or longer based upon how properly the sperm swim and how on the instant they go. maximum sperm at the instant are not formed ideal and that they wander away or swim around in circles or in basic terms ordinary die in the previous they get there. yet considering the fact that there are hundreds of them that may no longer often a topic. Sperm can stay as much as 5 days, yet 2-3 days is greater ordinary.

wider scope2012-04-02T17:16:07Z

No, it's highly improper and as golfer inferred, in the case of this president, he has moved to usurp the power of our judicial system twice in as many weeks.

He needs to be slapped down and will be come November.


If you're going to post a question, you should at least know what you're talking about. Obama did not engage in jury tampering whatsoever. In fact there's no reasonable way to tamper with the Supreme Court, but Obama like his predecessors is allowed to speak out on the subject. Do you remember when conservatives complained of "activist" Supreme Court. Was the jury tampering? You might delete your question, rather than leave your ignorance of the matter posted.


I think you're referring to the "stern warning" that the President gave the SCOTUS about overturning Obamacare being tantamount to judicial activism. Not quite an apt comparison, but he should stick to his job, and not be chiding a court that outranks him.

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