Is America in Serious Economical trouble?

Imagine 45 Million Families on Food stamps... Not in my wildest dreams growing up would I have believe this even possible in America... sadly America has been sold into slavery once again by the acts and actions of the last 4 POTUS and their backing of the communist backed "Free" to use Communist Countries ran Slave Labor "Trade"

What we see today is a direct result of The Removal of Import Tariffs systems that protected American Labor AND NAFTA and all subsequent Trade agreements sense that Anti American Labor Trade Agreement...

This is not opinion this is FACT.

Need proof? Look around at all the empty Factories falling down now twenty years Later...

Here is the last 8 weeks New Signers to Unemployment numbers... Just imagine the numbers for the last 20 years of thes policies.... If you can...

Here is what you won't see... Weekly Lost Jobs Numbers.... These are Obama's Department of Labor Numbers released every Thursday and can be found on Fox and Friends between 8:45 and 9:00 AM. Watch for them yourself if you want to be informed with the only RAW numbers released by the DOL... You won't hear them on any other network... I wonder why?

Numbers released every Thursday is for the Job loss for the week previous.

2/19/2012… 348,000 New Signers to Unemployment
2/26/2012… 350,000 New Signers to Unemployment
3/01/2012… 351,000 New Signers to Unemployment
3/08/2012… 361,000 New Signers to Unemployment
3/15/2012… 351,000 New Signers to Unemployment
3/22/2012… 348,000 New Signers to Unemployment
3/29/2012… 359,000 New Signers to Unemployment
4/05/2012… 357,000 New Signers to Unemployment
Total.......... 2,825,000 New Signers to Unemployment. That’s “JUST” over the last 8 weeks.

How many new signers have lost their jobs sense Obama’s election?
The 168 weeks of the Obama term as POTUS, America’s New Signers to Unemployment has averaged over 400,000 jobs per week. That 3 year averaged number of New Signers is now around 68,157,000 Americans who have lost their jobs.

I have a question for you…
Is it time to wake up yet?

Your vote on November 6th 2012 will answer this question.

§† FNS †§


Now answer this question...

Why are we NOT hearing any of this addressed on the campaign trail or in any new outlets?



Only a Truly corrupt of thought and truth can say 2,825,000 New Signers to Unemployment. That’s “JUST” over the last 8 weeks is good... 600,000 a week was twice as bad and sorry but I see nothing good over 68,157,000 Americans losing their Jobs in this man's term... As I stated and state again this has been going on for two decades now and ALL POTUS after and including GHW Bush "ARE" traitors to the American Workers...

Time to stop making excuses for these traitors and to stand up to them.....

Either you see this or you don't...

§† FNS †§




I agree but those numbers in raw form cannot be found... I estimate (low I am sure) well over 125 million Americans Jobs and Lively hoods has been fed to the wolves of Communism slave labor trade...

Here is another never asked question.

How much additional Profits have been reaped with the Slave labor of $0.12 cents an hour VS $15.00 an hour and up, plus benefits jobs they replaced with Communist Slave labor?

Trillions? YOU BETCHA......... Who has collected on all that money? Politicians who invested in all those Traitorous Companies????

§† FNS †§




Are you so lind you can't read? Here let me copy past this again... WAKE UP...

sadly America has been sold into slavery once again by the acts and actions of the last 4 POTUS and their backing of the communist backed "Free" to use Communist Countries ran Slave Labor "Trade"


As I stated and state again this has been going on for two decades now and ALL POTUS after and including GHW Bush "ARE" Traitors to the American Workers...

Time to stop making excuses for these traitors and to stand up to them.....

Either you see this or you don't...

Open your eyes and mind K...

Leslie Goudy2012-04-05T08:13:51Z

Favorite Answer

The way I see it the whole world is in serious trouble as most are tied into the fiat currency of the world banks. As long as we are dependent on foreign oil in any way will this continue in America. If these oil companies that are American would recover their patriotism and concern for our Country, we could bail it out. We also need to use some stiff tariffs on China and other Countries we buy so much electronic crap from so we are forced to utilize our own work force again because it will no longer be profitable to outsource. We have enough resources and it's a lie to say we don't.

I am down to answering maybe 1 or 2 questions a day at the most because all anyone is doing on here is slinging mud and it solves nothing.


The number that is not revealed is those who no longer qualify for unemployment compensation. It's as though those people fall into a black hole and never again become part of the statistics. Then there is the under employed, yet another number that should be accounted for.

0bama is a low life and a liar. Everything coming out of his pie hole is said with a forked tongue !


The President is the most notorious liar of any president in the history of the office.
Kennedy tried to slip **** by and look what happened to him. Obama is setting
himself up to be another Kennedy. The bloom is off of the liars rose. He is being
seen for what he really is. And people are not liking what they see, Obama will
fail on his bid to keep Obamacare. And he will suck canal water over this next
general election, Romney will beat him like a ugly red headed step child.

Aegis of Freedom2012-04-05T13:15:37Z

Yes, we are in very big trouble. We are literally living on borrowed time. The ONLY thing keeping us afloat is the massive debt we are accumulating every year ($1+ Trillionz). But, just like your personal credit card, you can't live like that forever. Eventually that debt catches up with you and it all comes crashing down. Sure, you have a nice house, nice car, and big screen T.V. today. But tomorrow the repo man will take it all.

If you thought the tech bubble burst was bad, or the housing bubble burst was bad, just wait until you see the debt bubble burst. It's going to be worse than you can imagine.


We are in financial trouble as a country, whatever the source is in the eye of the beholder. You can see the economic stress through produce, gas, ect.

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